Sunday, June 26, 2011

Force without Resistance

Three days have passed from my leaving the house behind. The days leading up to then were full of special moments. I talked with many people, saying goodbye to them and the place I have called home for so long. The last hours before I left were magical in the way everything fell into place. As endings go, it was a good death. In visiting close friends since then I have gotten much support and encouragement for setting out on our next journey. Getting ready to walk is now my focus, clearing out my "house" now accomplished, and when I am sure some necessary paperwork is in order I will launch happily. Resistance to this final preparation is futile, a calm force of determination will keep the world rolling. Patience is a lesson, a way of living.

1 comment:

Jeff Grigg said...

Nice to see you out and doing well!

(We met in Saint Louis, at the Route 66 Chain of Rocks Bridge and Trailnet/Bicycle Fun Club party.)

I happen to be up in Wisconsin this month too! And I, too, have sold my house to be more portable.

Wishing you the best!