Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I've turned my World inside out.

With my two hands I pulled and tugged
Reached deep inside and brought it out in the open
In hopes of seeing it's faults that I may fix with care
Can I find them all and bring it together whole
Clean the sand and grit years have covered
Find the glue that will do and not burn through
And make my World whole

Edit two days later.....

I've waited to add more so the Facebook reader will have read and forgotten this, the auto post.
After cleaning the inside of the World, the inner core, and searched for the holes and leaks, I have seen none. A slight bubble around the plug. That is understandable, the plastic of the cork expands and contracts differently from the ball body.
In comparison to my life I've recently taken all my work tools out, took them out in the yard - in the open- and sorted through them. For days I separated and categorized, piled and boxed. After putting the essential tools in one bucket and a carpenters toolbox I was left with two small buckets brimmed with every screwdriver known to man. A large box stuffed with twenty five or more hammers of every type. Tool boxes of wrenches,another of files, one overflowing with drill bits and hole saws, a selection of staple guns, one of chisels, the box of hand planes, one for clamps, and storage tubs of drywall tools, painting tools, concrete and tile trowels, a closet of rakes shovels picks axes wrecking bars and scythes. Then there are the shelves of power tools. I think it prime time to take a scythe to my possessions. These things I have collected for decades. Having an extra hammer is fine, a box full of hammers that may throw my back out is excessive. Whenever I helped someone move or cleaned an old garage I rescued unwanted tools. What holiday has a place for all these things, an island of misfit tools? Maybe I should have stuck with bad poetry.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

My first regret still stings.

In those days both radio and television reported his status constantly until the heart wrenching news that he had died from his injuries. He had chased a ball into the street and the path of a car. Earlier, as we stood in line waiting for the first graders to be called into the lunchroom he asked if I would be his best friend. "Next week." I replied,"Dave and I are best friends this week." I have not forgotten that hurt look after forty one years. Horrible me. I accept all friend requests now.
I could have filled that space in his yard and caught that ball...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thanks, Giving, Christmas, and Resolution...

On this night before Christmas I can't help but be thankful for this year, all it has given me. The miles and months walking with my son, the wonderful people we met for a moment or a night, the helpful police and firemen/women as well as those not so helpful ones. The thousand mile trek with it's pain, grace, hardship, sprains, laughter and unequaled joy. The lessons, sights and friends which no amount of nine to five could so enrich my life with.
Too many days have I thought and thought of things to say in thanks only to dismiss them as silly tidbits that have no bearing on diabetes or exercise. What's the worst that could happen? What is the debilitating cost for posting something too weird or honest? Like I eat too much, or I obviously can't write, or I am letting my hair grow after keeping my head shaved ever since 911 even though I told everyone I did it for the Halloween gargoyle costume I wear each year, or 'Whales of August' with Bette Davis was just as touching as Catherine Hepburn in 'Lion in Winter'.
Oh my lord, I might embarrass myself! Not very likely.
I roll an inflatable world around to get people to do something to be active; my threshold is broad.

Merry Christmas to all my family and friends.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Nice is "all set" thanks to Muttluks!

Once again the Muttluks company has generously supplied Nice (the dog) with gear. This time they went above and beyond with a winter coat, fleece jogging sweater, rain jacket and fleece lined shoes. Today we walked for hours and he wanted to keep going. Several people stopped their cars to ask about is jogging suit. He is getting more attention from the girls than the law allows, now they want to take his picture because he is so cute, aside from being toasty warm. I can tell he is happy with them by the way he talks to everyone with his bounce and soft "whooh whoogh!"
Thank you so much for your generosity Muttluks !

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The fall in review....

With the weather getting cold and the trail almost forgotten, I rest under a blanket aside the big brown dog, waiting for sleep, and to digest the day in dream. When I returned from the North to this fine and familiar city, the Mimosa in the front yard had lost it's leaves. The city had replaced the sidewalk and torn the roots.

Before I left in the spring the tree had not begun to bud. I recall watching the seed pods cluster all last winter; the seed that would not fall or be blown away. The neighbor said the blossoms this summer had been so thick they covered the road like snow. Just a few days before my return the blossoms and leaves dropped off. I hope the spring will revive the tree but with less than an inch of rain in months, hope is the one certain thing.

The maple by the window has lost most of it's leaves while the oak still drops acorns, a bumper harvest for the squirrel and chipmunk. The frost has come just once, still awaiting the big freeze, the hard cold, the winter bitters.

One day next year I will begin again the cycle and leaf.

The trail forgotten. WG and Nice (the dog). "Those who wonder are not lost."

Inspiration sometimes must come from within. Alone.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

the feather thunders

These many nights I have awakened over and again from the dream with the same theme since coming back home. The adventure, traveling with a team, heading to a goal. I get up to reset and always return to different scenery. A mountain pass, a crowded market, a steep tunnel or floating down a river. Never am I alone, ever surrounded by groups working to the same end. I keep thinking tomorrow it will change, that if I wake up and then go back to sleep, but no . This dream will not die.
Now as I sit on the porch and listen to the far off train in the dark I recall this is the same dream I have had for years.
I worked with a man years ago who said "Come into it Boy!" Living the dream doesn't sound so bad.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The best time of day

Walking and getting the juices flowing.

Monday, September 6, 2010


It is cool, in the seventies, this is the place where I spend much of my time at home. My reflecting pool without waterfall or brook. The hum of the city surrounds me, the comfortable familiar silence of the distant rub of tires under the drone of motor vehicles, the insect screech of the electric weed whacker in the hands of a neighbor three houses down and across the street, the crack of the nuts falling off the oak next door onto our roofs and the tiny front yard. Not anything like the wide open beauty of the north lands where there are fewer people living in square miles than live on my block of perhaps three hundred by two hundred feet. People walk by with their dogs, doors open and close up and down the street as cars pass thirty feet from my open porch's sanctuary. The many birds, crickets, squirrels and chipmunks break through the silence. It's good to have a place to be alone.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Tally ho

I added up the miles I logged in my notebook from the first day to the last. One thousand twenty three. I didn't even break a sweat tallying it up!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

You don't say...

When sitting among the firefighters of Staten Island Rescue#5, drinking coffee, sitting around the circle of old chairs obviously brought from the men's homes I was discussing the options to get into New York City. When I walked in the station I showed the man in the office a picture from a newspaper with the dog, the World and myself walking along a roadway in New Jersey. It was shift change by the time I had settled down in one of the well worn chairs with the men, told them I was walking for diabetes awareness with Nice(the dog) and the World they were all supportive, they suggested I drive the van over to the city and go from there. I had the notion I could just take the ferry over without driving and having to deal with parking a vehicle in New York City. I didn't realize the firefighters who surrounded me were unaware I had a giant World ball, they had not seen the newspaper clipping; they thought it was my dog and I. It was then I found out you DO NOT say the words "blow up the world" anywhere close to New York City, especially while sitting in a firehouse amongst the first responders from 9-11. I couldn't get the clipping out fast enough, that was a very tense moment.
I now say "inflate".

Friday, September 3, 2010


I almost went the whole day without saying a word to anyone then I took Nice (the dog) for a late night walk. He of coarse had to find people to lean on and my day of silence was over.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Getting back

We have been back two days now, I took my sweet time returning from our months long stroll in the northeast. This morning I turned on the switch, as it were, healing time is almost over and it is time to get to a balanced routine of walking - my activity of choice- and work. I put the leash on Nice (the dog) and began up Bardstown Road, past the entrance to Cave Hill Cemetery and made a circle around by way of the pedestrian path along the expressway back to Cherokee Park where we now sit along an Olmstead designed path in the shade by the creek. When I was ten years old and some friends, my brother and I were floating with inner tubes after a heavy flooding rain I almost drowned just yards from here passing under the walking bridge from the field where I spent many an afternoon during my youth. Louisville has a beautiful parks system that was one of the few Olmstead designed and was almost completely implemented. As I walked I remembered the days and weeks of looking ahead as we walked to see miles of road rising and turning before me, sometimes disappearing to a point of light in the distance- a green point of light. The ball of one foot now aches as the deep blister which cushioned my steps during these months heals. The other has finally had it's two eeks to allow the Achilles to rest. Constant repetitive motion helped for four months but a couples weeks of only walking the dog has it's merit also. I have seen more colorful moths and butterflies since my return, more in two days than any given week in the north, whether it be from habitat loss or that the whole of the North lands have few insects- I am glad to see them again. As I pondered these things a feather revealed itself; a bobble for my hats' plume and received a call from a customer who has been waiting for my return. Time to get back...

All set!

From Connecticut northward a term is used that in the mid and southern regions they do not. It has many uses; replaces "ready". I have spent a day going through mail, going to the bank, dusting off the cob webs at the house, walking the neighborhood so Nice( the dog) can happily mark his territory again. Now I am ready to get back to work. I am *******all set*******

Monday, August 30, 2010


I just pulled in to my home. Nice and I are sitting on the porch...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Ball

I was going to" leave it at that" with the previous post. My journey has been long and filled with wonderful people, sights, challenges and moments close to being spiritual. This being the third time I have walked to reach out and promote active living for health, I thought a thorough review of all the roads we walked as I return home will give me perspective. Last year I did the same thing as I made my way back to Kentucky at a whirlwind pace. When I finally got to the house I had a period where I felt sad and was generally not my usual perky self. I worked through it more by blocking my feelings with work and life back in my hometown. I wanted this time to take in the experience differently and avoid that low, emotional part. Thinking by visiting with all the memories and many people whom I met during the trip would do good, would help me; and it has. I have learned something about myself I couldn't see before. I think I am sad to part from the rich friendships, the places, the moments I have loved along the way. Like loosing something close to my heart. The cost of having a ball all these months, in all these states, with all you fine people is I can't help but have a bawl.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Stand

I've made my stand. I have been blown back from mountains and attained high peaks. I stood up and I'll do it again. Will you? Some are listening, throwing popcorn at the parade. Have I inspired action?
The random mp3- Philadelphia...

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Sure, I've been on the road since April 17th, but the Past two months I have been in the great wide open spaces. There has been plenty of traffic, but not a slew of obnoxious soandsos who can't drive and can't see a purple van beside them when they ddecides to fade lanes in a corner. There are a dozen or so stars bright enough to see in these Jersey skies. There are stores open past eight PM. I guess I am just grumpy. Driving through some of these miles I have walked is more stressful than two Mount Washingtons. Or even walking in New York City.
I will have a better perspective after a nap.
Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine spoiled me.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

From the Poo to the Starting Line and the Cross road

In the last days of spring I crossed the starting line of the Boston Marathon. In the last days of July we sat at the reflecting pool by the highway in New Hampshire after attempting to climb windy Mount Washington by the light of the still full moon. We have completed the summer walk and in the past week we have made it back past the starting line. Now, I sit in Connecticut just west of where the Connecticut State Troopers had us move the World out of state at the intersection of route 6 and Cross Road. I drove out of the rains covering the northeast these past few days and am enjoying another Connecticut sunset.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

rain day=movie day

I continue my review of my little walk to promote activity to control or prevent diabetes during the past four months. Most of that time I spent with my son. Today, I'm waiting out this four days of rain with my sister and her "party B." We have just finished watching "The Big C", the first two episodes. Let's put aside that after walking for these months all day almost every day miles and miles I now feel, "useless as teats on a boar hog", and focus on the second episode where the woman who has cancer is wanting to spend the summer with her teenager instead of allowing him to go to a six week soccer camp. The boy (no one) has not been told of her condition. The last scene of the episode has her getting a blanket and pillow out of the closet and going to her sleepimg son's room to sleep close to him on the floor.
I can very much relate with her wanting to lay near her grown boy, to listen to him breath as he slept, just as she had enjoyed that simple pleasure when he was an infant. Life is short so don't let a life ending disease be the reason to be close. I will ever be grateful to have spent time watching my grown child and listen to the rhythm of his breath, even smell his teenage odor. Tomorrow I may be gone.
During our walk we were stopped by an elderly man, I told him of our journey, he broke down and shared he had lost his wife ten days before and said I should hug my son everyday because tomorrow I my not get the chance.
I asked my sister if we could watch something next that didn't make me cry. Then I received a phone call from a woman who I met my first week on the road who asked that I stop through to meet a friend of hers who is heavy and has been told she is pre-diabetic but is not concerned, her family is full of diabetics and she is just waiting until she has to take medication to add to her poor diet and lack of activity. I'll go where no doctor has been able to convince her to go, walking for her health. Wish me luck. And this is my rain day- watch movies day.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sad Goodbyes

Few people are able to spend as much time with their son as I have this summer. We have been constantly together since Memorial weekend. Yesterday I left Ethan, he and a friend are going to travel together to the West coast. I will cherish the memory of our time together. In today's society for a son and father to have this much time is priceless. After our last hug and our last "I love you", I drove away in the rain.
My cheeks were wet,
my windows closed,
my heart heavy.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

No way!

When driving along the highways of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and now in Massachusetts, it is hard for me to believe I walked these miles. Then I remember stopping here or there for the night and am blown away at the distance we walked to the next night's rest. I have driven in hours what took many weeks. The narrow roadways in Vermont are now even more so from the overgrown grasses, the tight bridges, and guardrails forgotten. I'm seeing them now and am in disbelief. Yet, we walked the miles. From the expressway above Bangor to Boston may be a four hour drive. By the path we took the drive was more than a day, several hundred miles. Though I walked the distance I need to be convinced. I really did the deed, and I have only retraced my steps through three states.
This is one small piece of my thoughts about this journey. My mind is in overload...

The First Goodbyes

As Ethan and I walked along the beach at the ocean, you would think a sea shell would be the souvenir to remember our goodbye to Acadia. No. A feather washed up at my feet. We went to the summit of Cadillac Mountain to stand together, an Eagle swooped low then disappeared. Just before driving over the causeway to Maine's mainland where I'd expect a sea gull, a hawk flies close, crosses in front of the van, rocks it's wings, then banks sharply away. At all exits these past few days these grand birds have revealed themselves in close sight. Walking about the northeast I have seen many large birds, but none so close as these ushers of goodbye.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The plan and the way it goes

My plan has been to return home following as well as possible the route we took and see some of the people we met, sights and sites we found on the way, reflect, write my thoughts, relax. As we walked closer to Acadia we were invited to stay at a home on the Island so we could have time to see the sights, clean up a bit, relax. We were also invited to a gorgeous cabin by a lake north of Bangor to stop, just be there to relax. I accepted both invitations. The home on the island was great and our hostess gave us all the space and time we wanted. The teenage angst of my son, the throngs of visitors to the national park, the poor signal for posting, as well as the weariness of the road, had us off the Island a little too soon. It was a great experience aside from these things. The lake cabin was a welcome stop cut short by our hosts' family emergency. I wish their loved one all the best. We had time to swim a bit, canoe a bit, make good friends, and have wonderful conversations. We also stayed a night with our friends in Carthage who treated us as family like the others had. I can't thank all of them enough for their kindness. Even now we are staying with friends we met along the walk. If I can find the space to write about the return trip so far I will be truly blessed.
As with all plans, the world sometimes gets in the way.

J. W. and the Yetti man

Dreams are hard to describe. I talked to John Wayne in my sleeping dream. I also talked to a lime green headed security officer who was working a fair and who's hair and beard made him look like a sasquatch. Though he had frightened a few hundred school children he said that Emily who was dressed as a bat was more frightening.
Other dreams are more reasonable. Like the one I have of encouraging people to be more active for their own sake, saving the World's resource: the humans.

the contrast

There we're two type2 diabetics I have met recently who had sharply different views of the disease. One had the notion that he didn't have to worry because type2 was the form of diabetes that didn't kill you. The other man has taken his diagnosis more as an opportunity for a life change. He has exercised regularly and watched what he eats and drinks. The second has made a fundamental change, the other is swimming in de' muddy Nile. There's things in that water that WILL eat you.

Friday, August 20, 2010

How long?

The girl behind the counter said she liked it, and asked how long it took to make it look like that. As she paused and answered her own question with a guess of ten years, I answered, " Four months. It didn't have a bead sweat on it when I started."
My hat.

the pond, the sun, the pool

"There will Come another day and I'll make my getaway to a lipstick sunset." I turned on the random MP3 as I settled down to write. We have just pulled off the road after leaving beautiful Maine as the "lipstick" sun set over the last miles of the journey. Far from home. To the Atlantic ,the "pond", and back. The Maine sweet memories...
Sweet air, people with big hearts, grand Acadia, and Steven King's black cat. To close this Maine chapter with another night at the pool we had stayed by outside Gorham New Hampshire after being "schooled" by Mount Washington. Had the sun not set when it had I may have passed this splendid gem that is on no tour book. I remember the help this brook and pool gave me time to reflect and rest before. After a night of sleep the pool will have my gaze one last time.

The benifits

Sometimes I can see what I have accomplished. Whether I build a wall, paint a house, stack wood, drive for hours on a road that took weeks to walk, or give people reason to smile. Some of the best times come from what I don't see at first. If not for the lessens I learn from hardship, my missteps and downfalls, I'd be less prepared to appreciate where I have gotten. If I hadn't gone through it, I'd not get to it; the benefit.

This was my incomplete though for the morning.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Reverse Vacation

The national park is filled with car loads of families with campers,buses,cars with bike strapped on the back all playing musical chairs for the few parking areas so they can hike or ride and have a lasting memory of being with family in the great outdoors. We are walk-worn. Driving in circles to catch and open place to park during peak tourist season in Acadia is much like Washington D.C., too many cars with too few places to park. A twist to it all is so many have seen us on the long road to Acadia, heard of us from the news, or the net. Even in our van we are recognized. "Look! It's Worldguy!"
We have hiked and bonded all summer and need a vacation from what most families plan all season to do. Our bodies need the vacation in reverse.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ants on a Volcano

I don't know what I wrote this morning, I had to drive to the mountaintop for some unfinished business and to press "send". I thought I might read it and decide "not to." I hope it wasn't something embarrassing.
We walked onto this beautiful island in the rain to end our walk for diabetes control and prevention with exercise. Ethan and I have been around the island and seen many wonders of nature. We both agree on one thing: All our country has beauty if we would only slow down to look. Perhaps it's just outside your window or within an afternoon's walk with a loved one, or in memory of one. We came to the top of Cadillac and stood together today. The symbolic end of this walk. A boy, his son, and Nice(the dog) walk from Arlington to Acadia.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Possible post

I am awake after three AM looking out the window at the stars. One has caught my gaze. I know even as it fades and appears again through the clouds it is always there and constant. As constant as a star. Like love, when not cluttered with thought. Late night is time for ease and purity o' mind. No facades, no covers, no care for what others may think. I walk for love in a way. Love for people I will never meet. For some I may greet in passing. Loosing my mother too soon has in its way given me the World and countless memories of people who enrich it. Yes, I'd trade it to sit with my mother in her old age. There is no network signal here and if we can get clear to post this, I will.
Never get too busy to stay healthy, get healthy, for the stars in your world who want to shine along side of you and not remember how bright you had shined.


Okay, so I walk hundreds of miles to Acadia, lash the rain soaked World to the rear of the van and drive it to the summit of Cadillac Mountain because I do NOT want to crush or hurt anything along the way into one of our national treasures. I get the World to the top and walk the last bit to the summit. The wind is blowing and the foggy mist has visibility to a few hundred feet. Not many are at the summit in these conditions. I find the high benchmark and look to see a happy man and woman with their young son and daughter. They looked to be from India and as I said, very happy. Then I noticed to see both parents carrying a small evergreen they had pulled up by the roots from the mountain top.
For the first time in a very long time I felt rage.

Pause, decompress, breath

I want to say much more than I am able about this journey, this cause, my little message. Four months ago today I left my home, locked the door, and began. I hope a few people may have been inspired to get up and work out or walk a bit farther with getting healthy in mind. If half of the people who said they would link to DESA and contribute on line do, the ... world might explode. As I see the gems of Acadia and then meander to my homeland down south from down east I will keep posting . Now I am still in shock. I need to breath a bit before I attempt to tell the tales and my thoughts. Finishing a walk for diabetes awareness through ten states and the District of Columbia will give anyone cause to pause.

That's all I have to say about that.

The ocean crossing

Of all the states I have walked in, Maine is the most stingy with the width of their bridges. It was good that we started out early and crossed the bridge to the island before the traffic was too heavy. The rain became hard and the wind strong as we passed over. When we reached the edge of the island, I got out my rain jacket and gave it to my son. He had not been happy to start so early (the earliest start all summer) but managed a sincere thank you when I handed him the jacket. It's funny how a random act of kindness can change someone's mood. Even a nineteen year-old who rarely smiles.
We pressed on toward the entrance to Acadia!

The bounce

Our last day of walking began very early, just as the sun made the morning clouds gray. The previous day Nice (the dog) had eaten something off the road before Ethan noticed he had it. He had an accident in the van from his tasty road treat, I won't describe further. I took it as a sign to get up and going. A good thing too, it began to drizzle just as we began walking. Had we waited we would have stayed at that spot to wait out the rain which lasted much of the day. Nice gave us our early morning bounce out of bed for our final furrow to Acadia!

Monday, August 16, 2010

What to say

We made our way through wind and rain to the gates of Acadia. much more after I sleep.


I just awakened from an unremembered dream with the words of a song from the band, Tem Years After, "I'd like to change the World, but I don't know what to do. So I leave it up to you."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

eleven,twenty five, or nineteen.

I have gotten so many numbers of miles to Acadia park entrance from locals. The wind was directly at my face today and the going was slow. The sun was cooking my ear that just healed from the last burn. My John Wayne swagger pronounced from walking the ditches and berms of the new and unfinished roadways; my theory is he walked like he did because he was hurting. The diverse estimates didn't help. As well as I can determine I am one mile from the bridge or causeway and ether seven or fifteen from Acadia, nine from Bar Harbor. The close of the walk is near however you add it up. A day or two.
Ethan has found a couple of girls to drive him to Bar Harbor and I am sitting at the van getting ready for an early start. No worries...

Even now...

When we have under twenty miles to get to the gates of Acadia Park we still stop in the shade when Nice (the dog) decides it is time.
When I passed the last blooms of roses wilting on their stems, I still stopp to smell the roses. The first wiffs of spring as good as these in the Maine summer.
When I'm tired I sleep.
When I'm hungry I eat.
When I, you know, I do.

The big sleep

We got going early toward the next town. We walked all day with just enough breaks to keep cool. At the end of the day we were given a yard to stop in and I was driven to the van. We had walked more than fifteen miles. Much of it was on newly finished road construction with out lines. My ears are ringing from the honking, the encouraging toots are like a barrage of noise that get Nice (the dog) thinking a friend is about to stop with treats. The tourists never stop for moose. New road, no shade, we weee tired. I had to lay on the floor of the van after the long trek of the day to relax for a minute, I just awakened at four AM. Hmm, am I that tired?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Penobscott perils, big toys and the Holden pattern.

It could not have been a more beautiful day on 1A out of the metropolis of Bangor while I balanced the world across the river bridge atop the jersey wall. How people driving by think that when they honk at a man using both hands to roll a canvas world on a six inch concrete wall over a river can wave back is as twisted as a Steven King novel. I asked Ethan to do it; he had to turn off his headphones for the bridge and did a fine job of waving to the encouraging passers by. It was a much shorter bridge than the one in Connecticut but with equal peril to our world if I should loose balance.
A short distance. Further and a track hoe was moving dirt on a building lot. The operator looked like he knew his machine; I asked him if he would hold our world in his bucket for a picture. He was like a kid with a big toy and handled the task with care and a smile. I love big toys, like the highway-the trillion dollar playground- for our world. Yesterday I came by two well groomed lawns joined by a deep ravine, I had to unleash the world, let gravity do the rest and give chase.
At the end of the day along the busiest road in Maine we rolled into the first general store in Holden when the local police officer pulled in to ask if we could hold en' up our walk until the rush hour was through. He also told us of the best place to park for the evening. Our favorite friendly dysfunctional veteran was there to shuttle me to the van and all was good with the world by the time darkness fell on the valley.
We have a good sixteen miles to go before we can turn off 1A to more scenic old roads. We need to eat our wheaties in the morning and get ta' steppin'.
Ta ta for now-TTFN

you would too...

If you were walking hundreds of miles and happened to be invited to a doggy daycares open yard for your puppy who just stopped for a rest, you would stop too.
I don't know how long this is gonna' take.
Then BAHHAghabagh we will go!

The Room, The Wall, The Core

I am anxious to get out on the road after the comfortable night in a soft bed, with fluffy pillows, no mosquitoes, a bathroom and shower. Ethan is beginning to stir, I am sure he will jump back to bed after he sees the time. We are within seventy miles from Acadia, the end in reach if I can keep us all motivated, Ethan has been bored for awhile. A nineteen year old who would love to hang out with friends and do what irresponsible kids do. I have been glad to spend this time with him though his enthusiasm is like that of a bored kid... Just as I predicted, he is back under the covers.
After walking for close to four months I too have had my days against "the wall" when my energy is low, the boy is dragging a cloud of frowns, my body is fatigued and the roads keep rising ahead. Ethan wants to get on with the return trip and visit the people we have made friends with along the way, he wants to have fun. I have fun everyday, I enjoy the sights, the terrains, the people. I am old, there will be no party all the way back to Kentucky. A little fun and merriment, yes, but I sent that wild horse out to pasture years ago. Keeping my eye on the line with my worldly plow to Acadia is what is on my mind, at the core. Acadia, the gems of Maine.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Is it bad luck?

We walked yesterday from Carmel to Herman where we were treated with much kindness We were allowed to park in the church lot. A woman who we met on the road took the time to arrange for a room tonight at the Best Western on the outskirts of Bangor and this morning we were on the road there when a gentleman who lives in the city let us know that the hotel is more than five miles from the turn in the wrong direction to Acadia and Bangor, he offered his help by keeping the World safe in town and shuttling us to the van so we could have our first nights sleep in a room since the beginning of our journey. Everything worked out. I have checked in after walking into Bangor. The helpful man had uus stop for a photo in front of his old teachers home; Steven King. Just as we stopped a friendly black cat walked across the road behind me. Is it bad luck if Nice (the dog) almost eats Steven Kings' cat?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"What are the odds?"

Another beautiful morning in 'vacationland', Carmel, Maine. Not a cloud in the sky. It rained a bit before it got dark just at the end of our day. A man offered for us to stay in his drive just behind the store in town. His wife and he had seen us several times in two other states recently. She knew what we were up to and had been diabetic since having one of her children ten years ago. The doctors said it would "go away". It has not. She said the people at her office have been talking about us and now she could say we stayed at their house. "What are the odds?", she asked. Pretty great odds for us staying in her yard at this point.

I have been walking to help prevent diabetes and promote awareness for fitness as a control and prevention, but the odds of any of us getting diabetes is getting close to 2-1 by my reckoning. I just woke up, so excuse me for making that observation without factual data to back me up.

We are fifteen miles from Bangor city center, I am told. If the day is a bit cooler we may get close today.

What are the odds?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"It's a natural aroma"

It had to happen sometime that I find out the reason when I smell skunk it doesn't repulse me. I am one of those who, say, if your dog jumps out of the van late at night and gets sprayed in the mouth and eye would let him back in to sleep with the door closed.

I had to go for a walk, then come back to it to smell it. It rained last night and the gravel road to this camp leaves sand on the wet globe. So, I walked it up to the highway and left it in a farm yard till I make it back to begin walking again. The woman who lives there had some parting words, this post's title.

As I write this I hear one of the neighbor campers choking... a sort of gagging cough. Just a coincidence. Maybe.

Well, it is a fine view of the lake.

Monday, August 9, 2010

who's the boss?

Yesterday we were all tired and the rain last evening gave us a good start at getting the rest we need. When Nice (the boss) didn't want to get out of the van this morning after the sun came out, I decided we would walk just a few miles to a camping area, get a shower, wash some clothes, give the boss a break for the day and enjoy the lake view.

Two rules on the road with your dog. When the dog won't walk it's time to stop, and all puddles must be sat in for as long as the dog wants.

The dog is always right.

Break time; The Maine rain

We awoke on Sunday feeling lazy, I wanted to find a shady spot before we left our host's farm. Picking blueberries was tempting, but we got the World rolling toward Bangor. It was sunny though not very hot. Walking in the full sun does take it's measure, which is why I wear long sleeves to keep from being sun dried and burned. There were many people who stopped during the day and the trees' shade during those conversations were welcome. Luckily at the end of the day it became overcast: the best walking condition on the open highways.

This journey has been long. I began from the oldest known structure in Arlington Virginia and officially stepped into the walk at the Lincoln Memorial in April, Earth Day, to walk here - Vacationland - Maine. I have walked in all weather short of sleet and snow on this walk. I began when the spring flowers and stubble fields from last years harvest covered Maryland. I prepared for cold weather at the beginning by turning off the heat at my home much too early... it was still winter then. Ironic that within the first week the temperatures in Maryland topped in the high 90's. I have seen thousands of beautiful scenes from great mountains to tiny views between trees on the side of the road. Beautiful people all along the way, whatever state I was in. Any poor reputation for any state I have found to be hearsay; the worst turned to be the sweetest and kindest. I have seen Paul Bunyon and sat on the same throne as Mark Twain in Rudyard Kipling's home. I have saved the best for last, I am told. The wonders I have seen will be hard to beat.
After last night's rain, which helped me to sleep almost twelve hours, we have rested a bit. But the sun has broken through and we will make our way to some new wonder, I'm sure not far from this edge of Newport Maine. No ten mile trek today.

Thanks to the school teacher who appeared while we were eating dinner last evening who shuttled me to the support van. These things work out despite my doubt they will (I was about to hitchhike back.) Thanks to all the fine people I have met who help in their own way, if even just a kind word or a smile as they drive by. This is a wonderous journey. I recommend it to anyone.

Good day, Maine!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

someone pinch me

Well we've made it! We have our picture on thr top front of the Bangor Sunday paper! Can it get any better? We are in Palmyra now and hope to get to Newport this evening. We met a nice couple who drove from the Acadia area just to find us with cold water and kind words. Maine just gets better everyday. Yet I meet diabetics of all ages and types each day. It is a global problem and I hope at least to get people to be more active in some way. There is no doubt it helps.

the extra mile

Waking up Saturday morning to the mist over the river I fought myself to stay longer. A man pulled in who loved to talk. He had said he'd always heard of people who rode and traveled across country but had not met one in the flesh. I gave him an extra news article from the friday payh'pah' because I could just imagine him trying to describe what he'd seen. I have listened to hundreds of people telling others over the phone about us and sometimes a visual tells the story best. We got ourselves ready and headed toward Cannan. When we reached the towns' sign. We were invited to stay for the night at a home just off route2 where they would feed us a good home cooked meal. R. said for us not to eat till then. We were at least seven miles from the turn and it was still before noon, we stopped for a bite. We stopped to talk. We stopped for shade. The ten miles turned to thirteen once we made the turn but it was worth it for the good family and food we went the extra miles for.
Today,Sunday, we may take it a little slower and see what the extra mile brings.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Great Eddy

We meandered through town and came to the place where the river does also. I saw in the rivers turn the largest Eddy I had ever seen. I almost turned and pointed it out to Ethan but I had my sights set on the turn off where some locals had fresh veggies for sale. The view of the river captured me. The sparkle lulled me to sit and take it in. I hurried to write a post, lay my hat on my hip and drifted off to sleep. When I awoke refreshed an hour had passed and the wind was urging the world east. Ethan and I both agreed we would find a place to stop soon but didn't now where. We were walking along the river shaded by trees and a following wind when a man pulled off to talk, a local; he knew where the next available place was and it happened to be at the next turn. The turn in the road and the other end of what people from here call The Great Eddie! (Sounds like it should be pronounced with a shaarp Irish accent). That is one of the great things when walking, not biking or driving,I get to talk to the people. The historic marker here at this rest stop tells of Benedict Arnold and the falls but I would not know the name of these turns of the river unless I met someone from here. This gem of Maine.

Is it ok

This morning I let Ethan sleep till he woke up on his own. We have done well by walking to and thru Skowhegan where I stppoed to get a patch from the firehouse; they have quite the collection themselves. Now we are on the outskirts of the town center. We passed the dam bridge and are at a pull off by the river. Is it alright for me to stop and enjoy?

lighten up

I have lessened my load. No, that's not a double entendre' though it could be. Took out the tent to loose some weight, a couple spare bottles of water
Added two garbage bags in case we have to sleep or get out of the rain. I should have more faith; I have not been left out in the cold the whole trip. I need to loose some weight.
My 'station attendant' is ready. Nice (the dog) has eaten and sunned himself. Let's enjoy the sunny day here along the highway in Maine.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

the Wock

We made it to Norridgewock in a light rain. We were able to get the same ride as yesterday. Thanks to L for his help, I hope his walk-about gives him pleasure.
My heal is burning, I'll not speak of it again. The nine miles to the place we stopped was really eleven and a half. Early to bed tonight.

the fall of brave Achilles

I met a man in New Hampshire who had researched the Achilles line back to the location of the palace site. I met the man while walking up a long hill when my achilles tendon ws burning. I had pulled it badly when I stepped in a hole in HavredeGrace Maryland. At that moment I was down, prone like the day when the legend fell. I have taken blows and sprains but when I tore my heal I was down before I knew what happened.
I say this because this is the first time since that day In Maryland where I have had to stop and give my heal a break. The limp and pain are pronounced today. Only a couple of weeks or better and I can
Walk less for awhile.

i'm just Saying

It is not easy posting while I walk. I am rolling wirth one hand and thumbing bow.juist met a woman who is diabeticand when I said my walking talk shetotally agreedthat It helps. A livingand enthuisiastic example of why I walk. That's what I'm saying.
The look my son gave me when I fooled him into getting ready early, at 730 heasked the ytime and0 I swear his look burned the hair off my cheek.
The random song on the Mpr is a railroad bum song by Johnny Cash.

Two AM

We were allowed to stay in the lot of the general store in beautiful downtown. New Sharron. Because of the heat wave today the van was a bit toasty, I had some trouble getting off to sleep but with the door open and dreams of travel to far off places I didn't mind waking up with Maine's state bird. Leaving an itchy bite on my bottom. Now that I am awake and have seen the night stars in the clear sky I can tell I am a long way from home, the stars are in the wrong spots.
I met several diabetics today, as I do each and everyday.
Even here in Maine. That will not do! Let's walk for awareness , to get healthy and work to find some solutions to this spreading problem.
I am going back too bed. Goodnight New Sharron and New England.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

the afternoon break

Usually we have a good , relaxing rest in the shade during a days walking. Good for the spirits and allows the hottest part of the day to swell past. As we walked past this area I can still see some history along the edges of times gone by. Long before this broad highway had made it's swath through. The aged graveyard, the old church, the old road and overgrown commons .after a while we will find more hints of time before cars and steamers. Sometimes I walk too fast and miss so much scenery, this morning I had to stop and take a picture of a front yard who's patrons obviously worked hard for the lovely scene. The roses and rhododendrons of New Jersey have transformed to more subtle and richer beauty of Maine, The Vacation State.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

We're being watched

While we walked yesterday from Dixfield to Carthage I saw a large bird through the trees then noticed the bird flying ahead along the treeline along the road. The birds up here are few compared with the lower states and to see a bird of prey is a treat. I have collected a feather or two along my way, usually at some interesting juncture on our path. Today we walked to the edge of Farmington to the Walmart where we were met by a couple who talked with us and offered a ride and good conversation. As I stopped and took off my pack for the niht there lay a small feather at my feet. Good stuff I say! This afternoon a shadow crossed from above once and then again. Moments later the Falcon passed low above me so close I could see his eyes watching me, he then swung around above the boy and the dog who were lagging behind. Could it be the same one as yesterday?
We were approached also by a Jay, a policeman from Jay he thanked us for walking to promote fitness to control and prevent diabetes. Good stuff I say! I have met several police officers and even a chief of police who serve their communities well despite diabetes. Young or old, whatever type of diabetes, exercise is vey helpful to control your levels. For those who can prevent the disease with fitness, walking may be a start. A woman came to us today who had bEen trying to get a picture for days and finally got her chance to stop and get a good one, no drive by shooting this time. She'd checked us out online also and knew our tale. She said she was not a stalker. I believe her. Even if she had read every entry on my blog from the beginning.
I need to rest. I totally lost my closing thought, so you can fill in the blank __________________________________________________________________________________________ good people of Maine.


It is raining this morning. We don't walk in the rain unless it begins after going. I walk slowly from town to town, state to state but even I need a little rain sometimes to slow my roll. To. Take time to get back to the calm deep within, away from the chatter that goes on in all of us. I don't know how long this rain will last, I will enjoy it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The family

Each state has it's own way of things. From our first hours in Maine I felt the family and friendly neighborhood atmosphere . Where some areas I have been through they may not know the people across the road the Maine way is what we all need to take home when we visit this " vacation state".

We are Moose

The tourist sensibilities are booming here in Maine and all are in search of the illusive moose. They must be fast for such a large animal for every time a line of cars slows and take pictures I turn and the moose are gone.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

If I can

Monday night through Tuesday morning we made it almost six miles into hurricane force winds before being pinned down and had to deflate our little world then carry it down through the brutal winds. We were beaten up and down. Still today we walked over forteen miles. If I can do that surely some of you who have a little trouble getting to the mail box at the end of your drive could go just a bit more untill a bead of sweat rolls down your brow.
Diabetes can be prevented or controlled better with some sort of athletic activity. A little more today than yesterday, soon you may come to enjoy the burn, the salty taste of accomplishment.
And please click on the side bar to D.E.S.A. for information or link to make a contribution to the cause.
Acadia is not far and soon I will be working my way south to prepare for the next walk. I bet there is a long route to the coast...

Somewhere between the Maine line and the sea.

We were helped last night and today so much by a night in a palace outside on the grounds of P.& S.. To sleep on the ground was healing and the bones are lively. I had the longest sustained roll without touching the ball with hand or stick; the best roll of my life today. For almost forty minutes I held onto the staff and rope and wove along the white line as traffic passed and rode along asking our cause. Finally a railing, a stiff wind and it was gone. The word from the locals, it's not far to the coast, to Acadia! That's sounds so good with an exclamation point!

not so bad

When I rolled out of the sleeping spot, walked around a bit, I realized I wasn't "wicked" sore. Not that I'll walk up another World class mountain anytime soon, but the soreness has lessened. Now that I may stop thinking of the pain, I can ponder the Lesson. Not time to talk about those nuggets of inspiration yet, but close.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Rolling a painted canvas facsimile of our World up Mount Washington at night to face the seventy mile forces of wind sand and rock will beat the philosopher right out. We walked over eleven miles yesterday, passed the last hills of New Hampshire, passed the path to the fallen face of the Man on the Mountain -The Father-, saw a moose cross in front of us, were followed by a large bird while the wind helped our weary bones, were helped by the family atmosphere and good sense people of the first town we came to in Maine and I've got nothing because of the thrashing I took knowing when I went up 'full in' I'd be facing the impossible just to see how far I could get. I am down to one can of paint, my brush is small, our battered World needs my attention.

LIve Free or Die!

The New Hampshire motto inscribed on all the license plates. While getting one of my evening rides to the support van a lawyer recalled it's origin. Look it up, the reason is more than the words spirit convey.
New hampshire is a wonderful State. "I'll be back."

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Line

The World is half in New Hampshire and half in Maine. Ethan Wolf is still there, has not passed through. I am full in. Acadia, here we come.

the stroll

I walk slower than a mother pushing twins in a carriage.
We walked the Boston Marathon in forty seven hours one minute.
We survived strong winds on the worlds wicked est mountain.
We are walking to show that, whoever you are, you can somehow get fit. Walking the dog, with your son or your thoughts.

Moving on

We are at the poo again where we walked with the World yesterday after repairing the staff and saying goodbye to The Mountain. I tried to write a couple posts and lost them, like the summit, not meant to happen. We will start late this morning and move along to the final State on this journey.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I feel like I was beaten down by a mountain. Two naps of two hours a piece since I got back from the mountain and I know I'll have some bruises. Just one afternoon to bounce back just will not be enough. I haven't even looked at the staff to see if I can cobble it, or retire it like Mt. Washington retired us. The World is still in a bundle squeezed in the back of the van. It was no ordinary day in my world.
This morning after checking at the resort office I was sitting in the shade outside looking at the mountain in the distance when a family from Connecticut walked upand asked if I was Worldguy, they had been following my trip online through this site and my writings. What a small world. I am touched that they came to talk, a blessing after being crushed by the forces of nature. I can't deny the elements took me to school, to the shed, to the bottom. It may take more than a day for me to do it but I will bounce back and be stronger for the experience.
No parting words from me today, good night New England.

the butterfly

All through our journey I have missed the butterfly. Today my first on this trip to stop, a black and white one. The few others flit, but not like this one. It landed on the doorway of the van as we prepared to leave the quiet pool. After allowing two pics it lands on my back, then shoulder. It leads me to a nearby rock and poses with black and white wings splayed open and then flutters in front and inside the drivers door when I get in. Ah life,we are all butterflies. It flits by the open door now, as I write. Ethan Wolf patiently waits for me to head back to town,away from this moment. Goodbye, scarce butterfly.

The reflecting pool...

We've come to a pool beside a pull of with a hydrant and guard post that reads P and O. It is formed by a old foot bridge across the rocky stream that has become a waterfall of rock,tall tree roots and planks. Here we can rest and I can look back on our days in quest of The Mountain. The time we were given came with the choice to not try, or go as far as we could. Had the night been calm and without the light of the full moon we would have taken it. Ours was one with full moonlight and hurricane force winds. The wind sent our best efforts, and us, packing in her gauntlet of fury. I enjoyed the dance, down to the walk of shame with my broken staff and world bundled to cradle on my shoulders like a crucifix for miles. My calves ran purple like my van from the effort. No summit, but a shaded pool and reflections of the day. The gem of facing impossible winds till you can go no further and survive. The mountain. Survive what no one has ever endured, except in myth and I was only cursed one time back down the mount.

Jeez! I better stop and just look at the shiny objects in this reflecting pool.
Ooh, shiny!

Mt. Washington, home of the Worlds worst weather

However pumped up I got, as much as I did all I could, all ethan and I could we did not make it to the summit. The devilish wind had it's way with us in the end.Almost six miles we climbed and pressed against the force of nature. We found our selves pinned in a ditch huddled under all we had, the tent was good for a blanet for Nice (the dog) as ethan curled under the plastic base tarp for the tent. When I finally came to terms and was reaching to pull the air plug on the World the hardest of winds cracked the staff that was wedged between a rock and a hard place. Now I truly know what it is like to have the weight of the World on my shoulders. We arrived back at the bottom at Five thirty after leaving at 6PM last night. Lashed to my back the WorLd is a heavy load.
We went as far as the law of the wind allowed. Sorry to let anyone down. I did carry it back down. Sometimes a little failure is good for the soul.
Off for some sleep and then we'll ride to the top like real folk.

Monday, July 26, 2010

just as...

As we await our turn up the Great Mount Washington and I was going through the tunnel from the area by trail and parking lot I felt a stange contrast to the chute of a gladiator as I turned up and right toward the mountain. Undaunted I crossed the lane amidst speeding cars who slowwed and gave us the victory sign and a fist pump. I carried the beast (Nice the dog) across the bridge to the gates..." Shadows and dust Maximus!", the cry from Gladiator !
Then a tiny brown ladybug lands on this small screen of the blackberry
n to remind me how small I am, Ethan Wolf checks and has forgotten his head lamp, things don't always work out like clockwork.orange you glad I have sense of humor?
Whatever happens we have the road for one night.

the quiet time

We slept in the employee parking area, thanks to the management of the resort and this morning I was told as soon as they stop uphill traffic we can launch. The parking lot was not quiet enough for a mid morning nap so I touched some of the worn areas on our World, took out some non essentials from my pack and then we got a shower in the coin operated shower in the resort sports shop. The winds up top are at seventy miles per hour today. The moon will still be full and bright while we are under clear skies. I have no fantasy of being able to push against seventy mile winds though I could hold on with hard winds. This is the day we have walked with random precision to be here. Whatever is in store it is as it should be.
The random mp3 song plays-Magical Mystery Tour, followed by Fool on the Hill. Roll on to the... The eyes in his head see the World spinning 'round...

Time to be quiet, enjoy the night!

A Place to Stand

Some time ago on the road thru Vermont a voice came from the shadows -Give me a place to stand and I can move the World- as I placed a feather in my cap. This night I was awakened thinking it was near daybreak to find the round moon bursting light onto my bed. The wind buffeting the van, I am anxious for tomorrow night when we will roll up the road on Mount Washington. I walked for over five hundred miles last summer against the prevailing winds of the mid-west. The mountains' winds could be all those combined. I often write of the wind, its favor and its lessons. What gems will the Mounts' winds have for us tomorrow? I wonder if the moon will still shine so brightly.
Given my 'place' to stand, can I move the World?

Sunday, July 25, 2010


We are walking from Goram' to the base of the auto road of Mt.Washington. We have been given permission to walk up Monday night after the road is closed. What a gift! Thanks to the management of the Resort.
In case I loose. Signal I want to remind people to walk (or something) for fitness to keep away or help manage diabetes. We all run on insulin.

The World and Friction

I do my best to keep from being a drag on the World
Pulling on it, this way and that. It can only take so much.
Left to the wind and gravity it gives me all I need. Impatience, desire to go farther faster wear it down. The World has it's rhythm and pace, it will get me where I need to go with attentive, steady motion. Without friction.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Misty Rain alarm clock

I was going to get up early, the cold misty rain pulled me back to sleep. It's cloudy now and the rain has stopped. No more rest for the weary. I'm not that weary and too much rest makes me sore to the core.

Friday, July 23, 2010

he said

He shook my hand
You're a rich man
You're a Very rich man
I cowered
Turn on the earphones, the random song plays...
Baby you're a rich man too!

Season for New Hampshire

We were walking along 2E when behind a moss covered wall of field stone on a level and well kept green a grandmother played crochet with her grandson and granddaughter. We had almost past when they called us over for a drink and cookies. Ahh, the old ways. The woman of 39 @ had witness to her 'moment for the storybook life she had. Enjoying family in the yard with family. Another seven years and she will have seen a century and can count this day among the gems. We were passing another yard when a young woman of 87 stopped us, she had worked for twenty years with the "cog" railroad up mount Washington. She had been diabetic for decades and treated it as another thing in life. " You watch yourself, and go on." She shrugged the diease and meets it head on. We left her and her John Deere behind. Looking back I saw her talking to the state police who had just pulled in to check on her, we would be a mile down the road before she would let him out of the driveway; a lovely woman...
We were plodding up a hill when Ethan and Nice passed me and took the lead for the first time. The grade was steep, I was pushing for all uphill progress and they slowly passed. My son taking the lead. I watched him notice he had gone in front then went back to listening to the music too loud in his earphones. Nice then noticed and after a few glances back and then took point--a proud dog--surveying all before him! They both relaxed and I walked behind for awhile-- a proud dad --my randomly recorded mp3 played Father and son by Cat Stevens sung by Johnny Cash. I can't complain, I am with my son and the dog. What two better companions?

gettin' Big out here'a'

Had my first look at a grand, open, vista of New Hampshire this morning after climbing the final rise over a hill. The road stretched out in the distance and disappeared far off amongst the mountainous background. Catch my breath , please!

This is livin'!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

what i didn't do at three a.m.

Some of my posts are "thumbed" early on late nights when wake up with what to say. This A. M. I was possessed to tell a story about a book I read two winters ago. I don't rmember the name. It was about a man who got a job in the depression with a circus,found the love of his life and an elephant that no one wanted; he was the only person who spoke the elephants language.The book alternates from the past to present where he is in a nursing home that overlooks where one of the last gypsy style road circus acts is setting up for their show. He is not allowed to go to the show but musters up the way to get out the door and use his walker to get to the ticket booth just down the road. With his walker he gets taken in by the Carney head man and is able to run away to the circus two times.

And. At three A. M. I thought I could not review a two hundred page book in one poorly written paragraph... If I only knew why I woke up wanting to write it.

The Roller Coaster

The day went well for our first in New Hampshire, we got moving in reasoable time, well fed and dry. The wind was workable. Forward motion was achieved. I was unable to have the moments I had yesterday and my energy was low. The back pack was heavy and awkward, though it had the same weight as he day before. I stepped in a rut on a well cut lawn and turned my ankle. Good thing it's the bad foot. I'd hate to have two bad feet. I did have some great help and the people are friendly. I was just not having the fun I did yesterday. we had our picture taken for two newspapers, spreading the word of exersize and awareness for diabetes. But the flow and 'dance' wasn't there, I was working. The world is my roller coaster. Some days a better than others.

Into "The New"

Here we are in New Hampshire, it rained off and on all night after the torrential rains of last evening. Stopped just long enough to air up the world, then we slept a good sleep. This morning the son has finally risen, the clouds have split, the roads are being blown dry with traffic. I have a good sized mountain to keep in sight for reference. Another good day.
A New Hampshire day.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Boomerang or, A Great Day for Sailing Served with Humble Pie

As with everyday, and this was the best, Nice (the dog) dove into a splendid spot of shade. The grass in the ditch line already was laid down from groundhogs who where obviously borrowed close by. The sun was high,the time of day where in one half hour the slight shade goes from one side of the road to the other. I wrote the previous post there. Then I read it back to my son having forgotten what I had just written. I remember starting with a thought but nothing I'd written. Who wrote that? But good, okay; so I was hot from sailing half the day... We had good rest while the shade did its spin across the road. We got up and made the best of times with ease. I was rolling uphill with a head wind with no effort at all. Just hold the rope and guide the World as it trundles the grades and swells of the highway; the passing traffic swirls the air and helps the rolling. All day I hardly touched it; kept it out of traffic and would buump it back to the roadway. I was just a guide to center the line and pull as I tacked over the waves of the open highway.
It was the best day of sailing with our World-boat ever!
We both noticed something..

That green jeep...

We passed it this morning. . .

It began to rain...

We made it back to The Mooselook just before the downpour and had the most delicious turkey sandwich, they had no crow for my embarrassment, with apple pie, they had no HUMBLE pie. Everyone was amused. We opted to get the world loaded and get to the next town and wait out the rain. At the rate we had be walking, during the best day ever, we had walked twelve miles. The truck stop across the bridge is at eighteen. If we abstract this a bit... We were our saving ride to safety and the evenings rains. We had ta wonderful day looking at the scenery forward and backward. I never look back , it was all new the second time... and beautiful by the way.

We finally crossed a bridge across to New Hampshire in the pouring rain and are parked looking at Vermont at the foot of the bridge in the truck stop.
Goodbye Verr' -mogh'!The pleasure was all mine.

the moment

I's like a dance , a dance with road and wind. The DO-SI-dO with eighteen whEels and loggers. With open lane we swirl and pass, with five or more trailing so much air is moving behind that the wind cools and the world looses stiffness. After the moment, the struggle for motion forward in the cool and it is Gone
Yesterday wi left Lyndonville with our "fresh off the sqeezer" tub of Bag Balm and made it to Concord again, this one is in Vermont; not Massachusetts,where we stayed withwarmth and great conversations. Many special moments.
Walking yesterday I was plodding along listening to U-2 on the MP3 player a friend had given me. He loded it off a giant list his brother had compiled, he just clicked on this vast list wwithout hearing many of the artists before. The moment came when I was lost in the song and two women called from the house by the side of ther road. We are out in the Northern Kingdom and for me to miss this house hidden on the other side of the world was uncanny. The women were as sweet as they could be. As they took our picture I complimented them, their house and yard were in perfect bloom just after a soothing rain and all the hard work they had been laying down since spring had the shade vines on the porch thick an sparrkling with red blasts of flower. The yard lush and all flowers open for the day. Beauty, and a moment.
Nice (the dog) lay down a few minutes ago. I check to see if I finally have a signal to post off of my little hand held fter 13 hours of black out in Concord, the moment to thank you for THE MOMENTS.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Equal share

We are now taking the third break in the shade, one for all. All for each. If it weren't for Nice (the dog) I would have missed this one altogether. He picks the best spot sometimes...

The tour, the town, the next goal.

I walked into the Bag Balm Factory just as the men were turning the machines on. They had just been talking about us as we were on the front page of the newspaper. What the paper did not say was that I had come for a tub of "the balm" fresh off the line and that is what I got, a fresh can from the first run of the morning. They even gave me a few empty cans that had some imperfections, one was outside in where the label was on the inside of the can. I am glad I walked hundreds of miles to come here and not just buy a tub from a store. They were very nice at the factory and I got the special morning tour that I am certain no one else sees.
Now with a short delay to wash a load of laundry we will start back to the road East to New Hampshire, a mountain is calling, more adventures and people to meet. Yesterday I met a woman whose shirt read - follow your dreams- The adventurers club 313- my favorite number and a splendid motto, the woman let me have a t-shirt and hopefully will send me a long sleeve one that I will surely wear with pride. It's not the destination but the moments along the way that are more special. It may take us some time to get to New Hampshire, all in good time- with good times.

Through the rain to the bosum and in the middle of the night.

Hard and heavy was the World, soaked with the rain of Vermont and covered with the sand off the roadside as we walked the last miles to the heart, the bosom, of Lyndonville where Bag balm is made.. It began to rain after we got underway and rained most if the day but we pressed on. Route 5 is the main route to many parts of the Northern Kingdom and in none of our time walking from Vermonts' southern border was traffic so dense, always having to tuck the World in the tall grass or roll through the rain puddles on the highways edge. Buy it was worth it to get here and see the home of Bag Balm in the heart of town. I can see that in 1899 when trains were the way of things and Bag Balm is made by the hub, the bosom of town by the station. Whatever hardships I endured to get here along with the fine folks and memories, sleeping here at the center of town by the chamber of commerce and within sight of all the Bag Balm facilities was worth the effort. I had to write it down in the dark of night, lest I forget to mention it in the hustle and bustle in the light of day.
In the morning when they open I hope I can get the tour, then I can rest, a happy man.
You can blame this posting on the two men who woke me so excited to see the World at the doorstep of their town.

Monday, July 19, 2010

It's Good for what Ails Ya'

Vermont's Original Bag Balm.
We could not have walked these hundreds of miles without the best salve known to man or beast. It's the stuff that keeps our World turning. Good for cows a' milkin', dogs and men alike. If it rubs or gets chapped Vermont's Original Bag Balm is so good I have walked from the states' southern border to get to Lyndonville so I can get a fresh tub from the factory.
Just yesterday my boy didn't put enough Bag Balm on and was walking like a bow legged sailor while I could move the World. Why, I even use it on the toggles on the rope that steers the ball so they can spin easily.just yesterday I was talking to some folks who also used the Balm and where telling me I could have the tub they had so would not have to walk the extra miles and go ahead over to New Hampshire at St Johnsbury. Just as the woman came to hand me the half empty tin a stiff wind came and the World went sailing North toward Lyndonville as if it had a mind of it's own. Who am I to argue, I refused the offer and followed the wind.
This afternoon or first thing in the morning I will be rolling to the doors of the factory for the best, Vermont's Origional Bag Balm!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Every Town should have one

Today we walked from McIndoe to St. Johnsbury. Last night we slept at Paul's Whistle Stop. When I got up late at six thirty, not early enough to be the first at "the liars table" where all the local men come for morning coffee and scuttlebut. Very few towns have or admit to such a place, at McIndoe the congregation is so large on Sunday they fill the outside with chairs and tales while Paul gets his work out taking care of their needs. A true liars corner. Our morning routine for preparing for the day takes awhile and was observed silently as the men from town went about theirs. With a check and double check, the ritual petting of Nice (the dog) and hug for Ethan (my son) we set out for "Saint Jay".
Maybe we can have some coffee and tell some tales at the L. T. At St.;..

The Mirage

We had been trudging in the desperate Vermont heat for hours.
The roadside seemed as if it were lined with tall fields of corn against a background green hills of tall trees.
From the distance an image appeared,yellow and shining.
It drew closer.
Knowing it could not be real I refused to yield the roadway as it bore down on us.
The image came to a stop.
Still not believing, I offered the staff connected to the rope on our small insignificant world for the mirage to hold while I got a picture.
No one back home would ever believe.
It was a lovely family of "Canucks" in a yellow Volkswagen bus.
I still can't believe it myself.
"It must have been a mirage." I said to myself as the image turned about and drove back toward Canada.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Roadside Visitors

A special shout out to "The Don of Northfield" and his lovely wife. They coerced their friends to go up to northern Vermont for a hike and on the way track us down for a chat by the side of the road this afternoon. A bit of hot air to keep the world rolling, some water for our Nice dog and a warm memory for the soul. "The Don" made us an offer we could not refuse on our last night in Massachusetts and we were honored to be guests at his home. A good fella' who gave me a "rich" gift I will cherish. Happy trails!

Two days for the Price of one!

Our Walk to Wells River from Bradford started hot and sunny until we stopped midway for a break then the skies became cloudy. Just before the heavy rain of the front passed over we were called into a Home for the elderly for a hearty lunch by two women, one helps run thehome and the other comes to play piano for the residents. I don't name names but I must tell you the pianists name rolls off the tongue like a line frome a lively song, her personality fit her name. While getting ready for the second leg of the day she had left but called to offer a ride to our van. At the end of the day which was drizzly she had helped arrange my transport back to Bradford (home of the Wilson Globe)so I could leapfrog the support van to Wells River. A wonderful note in Vermonts walking song. I know, that's corny, work with me here...
This morning it is sunny and finally we had a cool night of sleep. I know we will have little relief today from the heat and sun so I am letting my son sleep till he awakes on his own. Nice (the dog) never complains of too much rest time. I need to let some things dry in the sun before we begin anyway.
I mmet an elderly couple last evening who were walking. The man was diabetic and said that they walkked to help control his diabetes; encouraging. We met a man yesterrday whe had lost thirty pounds recently to prevent the onset of diabetes after advice from his doctor; inspiring. Our days are filled with good stories where exercise saves lives.I received a comment from a woman in Bradford who was walking to the Parade on Thursday so she could see the World and tripped from catching her flip flop on the sidewalk- a new meaning to flip flop. Don't be discouraged, just wear proper walking gear!
Enjoy the cool morning, we will!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Parade, rest, on the march again.

The Bradford Parade was fun with Ethan flying his hand made Worldguy sign. The mile and a half walk was a good rest from the fifteen of the day before that got us to Bradford. Sometimes the rest makes for a hard day when we get going again. This morning we have rolled to Newbury in the sun along with a couple miles of road with railings on both sides but we made it thru alright. Now we are taking a break in front of the Village store across from the post office and green. I could sit here all day but there are miles to go and after a spot of lunch we will get back "on the march".

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The World, the Globe, the Fair.

When I Began this journey In April from The National Mall in Washington D.C. My plan for the World was to touch every state in the North east of Pennsylvania, from the first day I have been touched by special people who color my World and influence it in thousands of special ways that I could never have planned or scheduled. I have walked for diabetes awareness, to show that whoever you may be you can do something to get fit,by walking your pet, taking a stroll or anything that get your juices flowing to control and prevent diabetes. I have gotten so many wonderful benefits from walking that I never dreamed would come from just committing to myself to put one foot in front of the other. After all these weeks, miles, new friends, rich conversations, guidance from folks who happened to influence this world I have found myself sleeping in a field in Vermont in the fair grounds of the Connecticut Valley and tomorrow I have been invited to be in a parade from Bradford to these grounds where the Fair is being held. This town is where Mr. Wilson created the first Globe of the World. Would you believe that when I began this trek on Earth Day I had a plan to arrive here on a Wednesday in the middle of July so I could attend the parade honoring the first globe ever made.

My plan has worked only with the help
Of good people from Virginia to Vermont.
Like the man who stopped to talk for a moment yesterday said, "Thanks Neighbor!".

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Catch up post

From Hartland we walked to Norwick where we stayed at the General store Dan and Whits where "if we don't have it you don't need it" after my day of whining. Then we walked to Thetford and were saved by the matriarch of the Pomponoosuc (I butchered that spelling Mill where we stayed till this morning. Today I walked fifteen miles to Bradford. I will tell the Bradford walk and the rest in the morning when I can keep my eyes open.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Yesterday I complained of the aches and pains, I whined about walking in the heat and sun. It did me no good, the kvetching' only made eah step more of a labor. I knew it would not help and I did it anyway. Today I have a better attitude and the walking is easier. The world is the same, it's how I hold it.

Monday, July 12, 2010

I made it through the day

Eleven mile is how far I walked and up a couple heartbreak hills toboot'. I was a whining child in my mind. Even with the aches, pains and general lack of enthusiasm we did it. Now for some sleep.

May I have some Cheese

This is one of those days where I'd rather be fishin'. I am still walking and it's a good thing, I know, but my steps are served up with a cask of whine.

I walk anyway.

Pull it up

I had to get up at midnight and look at the stars to clear my mind of the dream I was having. It was one of those end of life as we know it dreams that looped to give the characters another chance to get right, they were 0 and 2. Unfortunately I still remember the details this morning. The moral of the dream, don't lite a fuse if you don't know what will happen when the medicine ignites. I went back to sleep and had more hopeful dreams, thankfully.
This morning is covered with a lite fog. This morning I would rather not walk. This morning I have to pull up the motivation from my core and get going in spite of the aching back, sore feet and stinging tendon in my arm. This figurative fog will let up and I will be better for finding that spark when my powder dries.
We found sanctuary at EarthStar Pottery across from The Green in North Hartland and were offered a shower by a good simaritan who neighbors the Green. I am still amazed how things work out, like the sisters who were there with the ride to our van last evening just at the right time.
Sorry I don't have much to say, it's the fog.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


A day of rest out of the sun does a lot for the mind and spirit. The First afternoon in Vermont when we crossed the border from Northfield Massachusetts was like walking into the farmlands in Kentucky during the heat of summer. It was as if we brought the humid and scorching weather with us. Vermonts' beauty was not lost in the haze, the hills and centuries old farming tradition were not lost to my eyes. Good sense agriculture can be seen in little things, even the roadside trenches tell volumes, all through the other states in the North I have missed the trenches of the farming states that cradle the World ball while the cars pass. This heat wave has passed with a good soaking rain then a night of fog and mist. When (the son) rises we can enjoy a day of walking after a good rest.
When my son was an infant I, like any parent, watched him as he slept. No simple thing can compare. Now he is grown and when this journey has come to a close I may not have the pleasure of watching my own as he sleeps. When he came to join me on this trip the littlest thing would wake him. A train, or a door opening. Now he is relaxed and comfortable, he feels safe enough with me here to sleep deep. I knew when he was an infant this was something I would miss as a parent, I let him sleep as long as he will, watching over him once more.

Back to the message... To prevent the onset of diabetes you may want to go for a hike, walk your dog,or play ball with your son. This is also good advise if you are controlling diabetes. Do something, anything, to be active. Get the juices flowing, keep the stress down, and rest well like your parent is watching over you.

Take the time ,Vermont, to see the beauty around you. Go for a stroll.

The mist is returning, perhaps we will get to rest a bit more.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Walking in the Hartland

The clouds have broken into a beautiful day and we have entered the Hartland, Hartland Vermont. We are stopping for a meal at Stella's and I think it appropo' to have the Journeyman Roll and Ethan was talked out of the Simple to upgrade and eat the Stella Burger. MMMMM.

For every Flower some Rain must Fall

Alright! I know I have Learned the lesson to rest, it took the rain to make me do it. Yesterday we didn't walk far, we had a relaxing morning' as the sun grew high we waited for the shadows to stretch into the road so we could stay in some cover as we made it to Windsor. Then The Hens of Windsor requested the Police investigate the earth. For safety they dictated we walk on only one side of the road- the sunny side- so by the time we finished our "relaxing walk" we were cooked. Luckily this morning it began to rain so we got Nice to the vet and moved the world in the van until it dries up.

Now, after a long nap I feel better though my dreams had me writing on this blog. This entry where I fell asleep before I posted. I had some profound things to write in the dream.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Fair Winds and Windsor.

Since we entered the Lands of Vermont we've had a following wind, often I have been able to guide the World by it's short leash and the staff while the wind and pitch of the roads help it sail along. We left Ascutney intending on walking a short day to Windsor where we could recover a bit from the days in the heat. With the help of the locals we found a public pond and shade just as strong winds rolled in and a nice woman gave me a ride to fetch' the support van. Shade was the order of day for the remainder if the day. Thanks to the sergeant of the Windsor Police who informed the force of us we are staying the night at the pond area. In the morning I will take Nice (the dog) to the local vet before we head further North. We have had the fairest winds I can recall of any State here in Vermont. Just enough help at just the right time.Thank you to those who have helped in every way.
Again I have awakened in the dark of night to post a few words. I don't have much to say other than I am thankful the heat has begun to lessen. Keep walking!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


This morning the sky is overcast which is a welcome sight after days of oppressive heat. The day we visited the Rudyard Kipling home we walked during the afternoon into Putney from the roundabout on the edge of Brattleboro. From Putney we somehow made our way to the police and fire department at Bellows Falls.

The heat that day had us taking many shade breaks and the long straights in the sun with fresh blacktop was brutal. The boots for Nice (the dog) were worth their weight in gold that afternoon. Though it was very hot yesterday, we had the luck of a good amount of shade. So, the sprints across the sunny stretches were not so bad. We made it to the truck stop at route 5 and 11 by the expressway and have been able to shower and wash a load. The heat brings out the aroma, I was glad the truck stop had a washing machine we could use.

I am waiting for Ethan (the son) to rise so we can scoot to aSkutney up route 5.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Feather for our Caps

We walk slowly in the shade. We walk fast from shade to shade. The dog dictates when we stop, and that is often. When we stopped for a moment I looked down to see a black feather which I picked up for my cap. As I placed it a voice boomed, "Give me a place to stand and I can move the world!" The dense shade revealed a house by the river tucked amongst the trees. No one revealed themselves but for the metaphor uttered from the comfortable darkness. Need I say more?

Make a stand. Move the World.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The House, the History, the Room, the Chair, the Man Cave.

The Walk up the hill to Rudyard Kipling's historic home would have taken some time were it not for a good man with some time and a truck. Yes, I do get the occasional lift in certain situations. An invitation to the Kipling home where he wrote four books including "The Jungle Book". My son and dog were given a ride there earlier, and I would have been all morning pushing the world up the mountain road. Our hostess had rented the home for the week and gave us a tour from top to bottom and through the grounds. We saw the remains of Kipling's grand design of a home and gardens influenced plucked from his world travels and ideas planted by great friends such as Arthur Conan Doyle and Mark Twain: the first clay tennis court in Vermont, the remnants of the spring-fed pool, and the pool table given to Kipling by Samuel Clements after the Man Cave was established on the top floor. I was in the same rooms where some of the greatest authors in this country once enjoyed food, conversation, and even a game of checkers. What luck to meet such fine people by the side of the road, drawn to such an historic place. I was allowed to sit in his study chair and look out the windows of inspiration by the hearth with a quote from Kipling's father, "The light comes when no man can work". . Food for thought while gazing long nights and cold days. It was more than a chance meeting with a friendly person, a walk in history and inspiration.
Thanks for the opportunity to step where giants once stood.


I know myself so little. I am an orphan. Both parents gone, I grieve before I realize why my eyes well up. Like I did on Fathers Day as I walked the last miles of the route for The Boston Marathon with my son and dog at my side forcing back the tears half the day before my conscious mind made the connection that it was Fathers Day and I missed the old codger'-the most important influence in my frail life short of my mother. The 5th of July is my Mum's birthday. I awoke to the full light of day and began to prepare for the day when a woman arrived in a white car and invited us to breakfast. She took Ehtan and Nice (the dog) while I gathered our supplies for the day in my backpack, gave our World its morning burst of air, donned my hat, and began to follow the written instructions to the home the woman had rented for the week for her visit to Vermont from Minnesota. During this hurried time of waking up, talking with the woman, and preparing for the day, I was curious as to why I was forcing back tears. I was well on my way when I made the connection that it was my mother's birthday -the most important influence on my frail life short of my father.

I know myself so little.

Happy Birthday, Gerta.

Monday, July 5, 2010

From the Mouth of Babes

The walk from Vernon Vermont to Brattleboro was filled with good meetings and conversations. First thing we learned was there was a parade in Brattleboro for the 4th. So, we set our sights on getting to the step-off sight in the high school parking lot before the start of the parade. We started out early and beat the heat. Then, there was Brattleboro's own Heartbreak Hill -Cotton Mill road- which also had the first sidewalk of VerrMon'. At the top we stopped by the shade of a tree after the steep climb and asked two kids how to get to the high school. They shyly explained, "Go up and around. You will see the parking lot next to the high school. STAY ON THE SIDEWALK (echoing their parents) and you will see the high school first. It's taller than the parking lot." They were so cute in giving us help, the best GPS of the trip.
We were allowed to enter the parade, but Nice got too excited with all the loud vehicles and I had to walk alone thanks to Ethan staying behind, they napped while I walked the Parade route. Then I called our helpful border friends who had offered us a ride if we needed it to scoop up Ethan and Nice so they could get to the Commons where the parade ended. It all worked out with good timing. Today, we had a pleasant morning talk with a neighbor of the Vernon Fire house, and gave thanks to the man who shuttled me from the shopping center parking lot back to the commons. We also walked the extra distance after stopping at the fire station in Brattleboro's downtown for advise for a safe place to park and directions.
I need to get more sleep, so enjoy the New England!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Son, the Moon and My Lucky Stars

I like to take time to look back at the time we have had in each state as we go from one state to another, sometimes "the world gets in the way" and even my simple life gets too cluttered to "stop and smell the roses" of all the experiences. This night I am pulled from sleep by the glare of the sun reflecting off the moon into the van like an alarm clock of light. Massachusetts is the latest garden my son Ethan, Nice (the dog) and me have walked through and I will hold the memories close to my heart like diamond on a necklace that will never be lost, tarnished or stolen. We began our time in Massachusetts not knowing one thing about the road we would take and by the days end we had taken wrong turns that led us to the right people who helped us, guided, fed amd encouraged us; by the time we went sleep that evening we were gearing up for our own Boston Marathon, in traffic and the heat of the last days of spring. The tortoise surely enjoyed the race with the hare and we approached the route of the marathon knowing we would be the first, maybe the only, to roll an earth ball from he starting line to it's finish. We started from a fire station, walked most of the day to get to the start line, then stayed at two more fire houses alomg the way while enjoying many meals, shade breaks, and conversations along the way. Truth be told, we took a wrong turn and lengthened the marathon so we could get to the fire/police station where they let us shower and gave us patches from the fire, EMS and Animal Control becfore we went to bed. I'd bet no one has had as much fun as I while climbing "heartbreak hill" or stopped for a Vanilla latte' while rubbing the belly of a nice dog during their rush to the finish line. I know I am wondering off, blame it on the moons' shine.

We saw many sights in Boston, the Commons, the memorials to Gibran and to the president of Venezuela aand General Hooker at the State house riding atop his anatmically correct steed. We spent time with family after setting our record in Boston which was a memory I will cherish more. We walked through the state of Massachusetts guided by it's good people, the best memory of the state. From the first morning where we given a helping hand at Northbridge to the folks who offered us shade and lunch within the last mile before the Vermont border in Northfield I thank my lucky stars for the good people we have crossed paths with along the way...Too many to mention and I am gratful to you all.

The sun has abandoned the moon and is creeping our way so I must post this. I am never able to say all I want but sleep is important for a healthy life too. Now that the morning birds are calling the world to wake I will fall back to sleep for awhile. I don't know whether to say good morning or goodnight, how about good day.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Quicky Border Update

Not resting on our laurels we have crossed into Vermont!
More about our crossing and the last days in Massachusetts later when we get to the town of Vernon Vermont.
Have a beautiful day!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Inspirations and the "Friendly City"

Still heading westward we walked yesterday through Athol where we had a delicious lunch before we headed into Orange, "The Friendly City", where we were soon met by J.K., who had read about our walk in the local paper. He invited us to his home last evening and his hospitality, help, and conversation is proof that Orange is true to it's title: "Friendly".
We made it to the edge of town and were treated to "frappes" as Nice (the dog) enjoyed a double scooped ice cream cone from the hand of the woman at "Ser-and-dipitties" (I'm sure I've spelled the name wrong). Nice gently ate the cone frome her "friendly" hand and was soo cute I had to take a picture. We walked on and were passing Annie's when a call came over the P. A., "Would you like some Ice cream and water?" We could not resist the "friendly" offer. Finally, we made it into the "friendly city" center where we met the local police who had gotten the call of an earth rolling into Orange. Doing his job, he collected our IDs, but the "friendly" locals who were surrounding us by then prompted him to just write our info in his notebook without calling it in just then. The mob of shame kept him from it. One of those moments that I will remember for a long time.
This morning my sister delivered the new core for the World (the 35 year old ball's inner tube is failing) and we are taking time to rest this morning before we head away from this colorful and "friendly" city.
I have met a few wonderfully inspirational individuals over the past days who give me hope that these walks can do some good for those -like myself- who need some inspiration. As I stopped at a breakfast diner in Westminster, I was talking to a grandfather who was eating with his young granddaughter about how those with diabetes can control it, life long, and be around for their grandkids. He knocked on his prostetic leg and agreed. He was diabetic and had neglected a blister but did not let even the loss of his leg dampen his joy. He was obviously having fun with his young relative. I was inspired by this man's great attitude despite diabetes. Inspirational!
In Athol, I met a skinny man who came up with his son to ask what we were doing, and he shared that he had once suffered from pancreatitis (I can't spell) and was in a diabetic coma for over a week. He then was insulin dependent, but after loosing 100 pounds was now free of taking insulin and looked to me to be "fit as a fiddle." I was inspired!
As we stopped in front of the Athol historical society building and were being interviewed by a local news reporter, a woman who lived next door walked up for a picture and, upon hearing our story, agreed that walking can change things for the better. She had lost over seventy pounds and in my opinion was "stunningly beautiful." I would never have guessed she had topped out at 200 pounds. I was inspired!
This afternoon I am going to take inventory of my assets, walk off some of the ice cream I could not pass by yesterday, and find more people stronger than me to show me I can get fit and lose this fluff... thus keeping diabetes away.

Happy holiday weekend, New England!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


On Our little walk for Diabetes Awareness we stop often, of course, for conversation with all kinds of people. The World draws more topics than our chosen theme, "Saving the World, one diabetic at a time." People want to talk of the environment, politics, religion, animal rights, and other topics into the obscure. I give them all to the time they deserve --after all, they have taken the time to pull off the road, leave their work place, or take time from their morning routine to speak with us. Sometimes the things we talk about are so appropriate to the moment I have to thank "my lucky stars" they came to pull me from my mental funk.

I am thankful for the brief meetings with everyone I encounter, although I am sometimes sore, fatigued, and beaten by the wind to distraction at the moment. When it gets quiet and I have time to reflect I appreciate the little things brought up in those conversations.

This morning I was going to post a few more thoughts and examples of people who help their fellow man who suffer from diabetes, like the men and women of the E.M.S. and fire communities who are the first to help. Last night I was having a conversation with the Assistant Chief at Phillipston and they were called to aid a woman in diabetic stress; this was not the first time I have been at a station and a similar call is made to the public servants to come to the aid of a diabetic. Thank you.

My Son Is ready before me!!! I must go.

Thank you all.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Short and Sweet Update

Courtesy, Chief Brenton W. MacAloney, Westminster F.D.We had a hot and windy walk from 'lemonstah' through Fitchburg to 'Westminsta' where the World was kept safe in the Fire Station cradled in their boat. We were invited by a sweet family for a healthy dinner and a shower (for which we are grateful.) This Morning we have been walking in a cooler wind through Gardener, the Chair city, and are taking a shade break close to a pond by the side of 2A. It is beautiful today and the air smells cleaner than I have sensed in a good while, very refreshing.
I must have done something right in bringing up my son. This morning a funeral procession passed by and we both stopped, removed our hats and respectfully waited for the cars to pass. I am proud that my son has respect for others...
Have a wonderful day New England!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Claims to Fame

All towns, large and small, have something that makes them special. Boston has the Joslin Diabetes Center, among many other things. This morning we are leaving Leominster near the birthplace of Johnny Appleseed on our way to the second most hilly town in the states, so it is said; Fitchburg Massachusetts. Along the route of the Boston Marathon we passed the home of the Electric Clock. I have been in the bell town and the city that was nearly our nation's capitol. Who knows what historic marker we'll see today hidden among the weeds.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Walking on Ayer and The Nor'eastern cook out.

On Sunday as we walked through Ayer we were invited to the backyard family and friend cookout of main Street and just could not leave until this morning. We have been walking on Old Union Turnpike and the New england hospitality has us waiting by an Ice cream stand while a woman has run home to make us a healthy sandwich.
We could not be rude and turn down the Nor'Eastern cookout any more than we can decline a hummis sandwich!
I intend to get a bit more walking done today. Let's see which way the wind blows...