Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Finish Line at Raceland

An added bonus to staying behind Frank's Lounge was that I was able to keep the World under shelter from the midnight rains so the paints I applied were able to thoroughly dry. Over the past several days the off and on rains and heavy dew had left my efforts "hit and miss" and the painted canvas World never dried. Before the game on Sunday I had pealed off many layers off old water soaked patchwork over the Antarctic where the six panels of the original canvas cover had been sewn together. I say "had been" because when I removed all the rain loosened canvas repairs, of four thousand miles and more, all the seams had separated. The only thing holding the World together were the years of layers. Some of the first patches I had ever glued over torn seams were on the ground. One large blanket patch now binds the Worlds' south pole together with contact adhesive. After five hours the process was complete with a clean white arctic and many more ares looking better from a fresh coat of paint.
I rolled the dapper World along the four lane's shoulder to Raceland. For miles we were just feet from the swamp. The tall growth and water hearty willow are beginning to beckon spring. Nice (the dog) would occasionally pick up on a scent of something along the waters edge. I am sure he will be surprised when he gets his first glimpse of a gator. Last winter as we walked along the dormant swamps in Georgia and Florida we would startle them as they sunned near the road , always just out of sight but the splash was distinctive. For a guy from up south in Kentucky all this is a new thing, as far as swamps go I'm still wet behind the ears.
After the day of walking and talking we walked over the waterway bridge, down the ramp and into Rangeland's Finish Line Truck Stop where the security guard from it's Casino came to see what the World was all about. Before I could ask about parking the van overnight she told me I could Park with the trucks in the rear and that they had showers inside. I called the one number I had been given by a good person during the day who had offered. To ride us back to Des Allamends and waited. While we awwaited our ride many people came to talk and have a picture with us. Nice (the dog) loves the attention as long as he is between them and his World. The Worlds watchdog has had issues ever since the Boys of New Jersey teased him while I was away and he was leashed twenty feet from the World. Whatever they did during those thirty minutes two years ago Nice has made sure it will not happen again. The World is a member of his pack, he won't let it down again.
The man. hat gave us the ride is diabetic He told me of "the pink drink" that he uses to help manage his condition with great results. He said his doctor told him he couldn't tell him to use it because it isn't approved by the FDA but as long as he kept monitoring his levels it was hard to argue that th man now does not need the shots and pills daily. I wiLl have to learn more of this natural drink I keep hearing about.
After a meal, some sleep, and then a shower I feel pretty good. I am amazed how much better I feel by finally having wider shoes that give my toes room to move. By back and joints don't hurt as much. I have happy feet! I best finish this line of late night rambling and go back to sleep.
Enjoy a walk everyday. We didn't make it this far as a species sitting on our assets.
I'll finish with that line. Goodnight Louisiana.


Anonymous said...

I was one of your photographers yesterday! You are amazing! Can't wait to follow the rest of your journey!

lilbitcajun14 said...

I think this is awesome, and amzing that you are doing this... Be careful those gators can be a little ancy at times! I know. I'm from South Louisiana... Good luck, and be careful =)

Ruben said...

What a wonderful feat that you have undertaken. I admire your spirit and fortitude. May god grant you safety, health and lots of enjoyment to finish your feat. Good luck....Ruben

Lynette said...

My daughters saw you walking yesterday on their way to Metairie. I'm excited to be able to tell them about your cause. Be safe and may God bless you on your journeys!

Anonymous said...

I have taken you picture today. You have no fear! I've seen 18 wheelers cross over the neutral ground or median inbetween the hwy 90! You should be careful! Wish you the best!!

Anonymous said...

It was a pleasure meeting you worldguy. Have a safe journey!

Gina Foret said...

we had gone by the van to talk to you . we left the paper on your van .
please check out the pink drink . so many able to get off meds.
have a safe walk .