Monday, February 7, 2011

Not Hard Enough

It has gone from an heavy rain to a light mist. It is before noon and after flipping a coin I am going to put my Blackberry in a zip-lock bag and venture on.
Excuses, excuses.


Anonymous said...

As I sat on my front porch a bit back from U.S.1 St. Auggie...I saw an unfamiliar sight. A man and his dog rolling a world down the highway. Hmmm I thought. I'm sure he has a cause. As my own dog started bouncing around upon catching sight of this trio...I got on my laptop and learned about this event. Thanks WorldMan and Nice....your efforts and devotion to your Mom's memory and cause have left an indelible mark within my soul. You are what the saying "Long road, little wheel" actually mean. Fair weather to you friend.

Fran said...

I was inspired and wish I had the opportunity to meet you and "Nice" Would have liked to help ,given you a ride, brought you lunch etc. Fran