Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day, Memories,Chathamto the Crossroads

I have so many things I want to cover about today. Of Chatham ,the road, the helpful law officers, my son, the gps's and more. I will post this now and edit the content in the morning.
Don't let me neglect or forget..
Did you ever get the feeling you were not supposed to do something?
I just woke up and wrote for hours while waiting for Ethan to wake up. about our hot walk on memorial day. Of the people we met and was about to wrap up the days events when I pressed the return key for a new paragraph and the whole edited post returned to this sentence. I feel like Captain Kirk When He was left stranded by Kahn. I want to shake my fist to the heavens and yell BLACKBERRY!!!
So... To sum up yesterday... It was hot, I learned not to keep my belt too tight else my legs cramp, we took many shade brakes, I took off Nice (the dogs boot so he could play
in a cool pool. The end of the day found us with a ride from a young man from Chatham , Ethan is learning that policemen are good people that don't check your I'd if you have good cause, and at the days end a wonderful woman and her husband let us stay in their drive and allowed us to shower and rinse our clothed for todays' walk. I will try to make this a short day so I can give this more attention.

Thumbberries rule.

Have a great day New jersey!!!

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