Saturday, July 21, 2012

the Turn

We were walking with traffic, as a bike would, on an inside bank with no edge. We were rolling in the ditch when, at the sharpest part of the turn was a washed out portion of roadway, a bush to the edge of the white line and a reflective four foot high metal marker. Cars and truck blasted by in both directions, the noise from them all powering around this steep banked turn was tremendous. I stopped just feet from the obstacle I stopped to gather my senses. Next to my face, poking through the thick dark hedge was a vine's flower. I had to pause and get a picture with my phone. As I snapped I was reminded of a story. A man was walking in the jungle when he came upon a tiger who chased him to a cliff. His only escape was to climb down a vine over the edge. Once there he could not climb all the way down because at the bottom waited another hungry tiger. Then a mouse came along and began to nibble at a sweet spot on the vine that he held onto with both hands. Weakening he noticed a beautiful strawberry just few feet away. The most succulent fruit he had ever seen. "If I could just have a taste" he said to himself...

The road was then silent. I passed the turn alive and well.


Unknown said...

Just passed you near Coos Bay. Impressive.


fi said...

Are you in Bandon? I passed you twice to Coosbay and back to Bandon. I hope you will or have had a pleasant experience walking through Bandon! Cheers to your strength walking to your destination ALONG with the huge globe attached to you... And your dog! :) Wish I had taken some pictures of your journey! Luck!

Anonymous said...

We saw you twice near Bandon & Coos Bay! I had to Google you and see what your purpose was. Great job sir we love the cause and your drive ;)
Happy trails!

Anonymous said...

PS just emailed our local news in Portland to try and get your story out there. Love it & keep up the great work friend!

Joanna said...

All I can say is thank you.