Wednesday, August 4, 2010

the afternoon break

Usually we have a good , relaxing rest in the shade during a days walking. Good for the spirits and allows the hottest part of the day to swell past. As we walked past this area I can still see some history along the edges of times gone by. Long before this broad highway had made it's swath through. The aged graveyard, the old church, the old road and overgrown commons .after a while we will find more hints of time before cars and steamers. Sometimes I walk too fast and miss so much scenery, this morning I had to stop and take a picture of a front yard who's patrons obviously worked hard for the lovely scene. The roses and rhododendrons of New Jersey have transformed to more subtle and richer beauty of Maine, The Vacation State.

1 comment:

Ziva said...

Hi Nice,
You tell Dad that it's supposed to be a lot cooler, less humid and from where you came from you are nearly there. Maybe I'll see you along the way. Good luck.
Stockton Springs, ME