Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dreams, a Sardine Can, and Broken Arrow

Dreams make sense while I am in them but rarely float where reason reigns in the light of day. Peddling a box truck like a tricycle trying my best to catch up with the red delivery truck ahead of me didn't seem too hard. It was the guys on the bicycles with their pointy hats and skin tight clothes while crossing an arched bridge was what made it difficult. The men on the bikes wouldn't stop talking and were going so slow that I was bumping into them as I strained to keep enough momentum to keep the heavy box truck rolling up the upside of the bridge. As often happens because of all the falls, car accidents and years of destroying my spine as a carpenter I startled myself awake by hearing myself yell out in pain. I had been lying on my back, knees bent, feet flat and had been pedaling. The desire to catch up to the red truck was replaced with a hope I could turn on my side and straighten my legs without another anguished outburst. I'd bounced my lower back into knots, turning on my side helped very little. What was I thinking, I thought to myself, the red truck was too far ahead from the start. I drifted off again to dreamland only to finally wake up for good by attempting to get a cat out of the room I and Nice(the dog) were in by covering it with a towel and lifting it in both arms but not before it did it's business on the rug. What roused me from the dream was while I was lifting the cat I somehow got the tip of my finger in it's mouth. The cat didn't bite but the thought of it was enough to wake me up. The fingertip the cat had in it's mouth was the one I lost a few years ago, apparently I have all my digits while dreaming. Twice in one night was enough, I got my things together, twisted back and all. Before daylight I was walking.
When the wind is blowing I don't have the luxury of complaint about the aches and pains. I save it up for this blog... I kept a moderate pace, as long as I was walking,pushing, stopping for Nice(the dog) to inspect the cities fences and avoiding the puddles from yesterdays rain my mind kept away from the list of pains. Suddenly I was close to my destination for the day and I was honored to get a ride from a man I met days ago who happened to be in the Tulsa area. He had called earlier in the morning and caught up with me just a few steps from where I stopped for the afternoon. The thing about the ride was that the car was tiny and low to the ground which wasn't so bad until I got out and walked to the van. It was interesting though with Nice in the bucket seat with me while Grandma held back the two brendled pit bulls in the small back seat. As if I wasn't tensed up before I squeezed in. The man's timing was perfect though and the dogs didn't fight. I had enough time to apply some patches and paint to the World after we made our way back to Tulsa's neighbor city, Broken Arrow. I am working my way to Arkansas and the World must have it's attention or it will fall apart.
Sweet dreams Oklahoma!


*staygold* said...

it was cool talking with you that morning thanks and have a safe trip. *staygold*

Anonymous said...

Seen you walking in broken arrow this week, had to check out your site to see what you were walking for. Great cause and hope you have an amazing journey!