Monday, November 21, 2011

Flash Flood warning

One hundred percent chance of rain and storms tonight so I am heading for Cleveland. Cleveland Oklahoma. It's been cloudy since I left Wynona into Hominy. Thanks for the shower and the ride from the family of the first scout troop in the USA, troop 33, and the thanksgiving dinner from the church last night in Hominy. I better get going.
Get some exercise, take a friend!


Anonymous said...

Where are you heading next?

Anonymous said...

Happy to see you in Cleveland, Oklahoma! We were at the Wal Mart in town when we saw your ball and "Nice". Saw some people getting their picture with you and the FOX23 newsman talking to you there, but didn't quite know what was going on. Wish I had known! My husband and I would've stopped by to visit awhile and invite you for a meal! Good luck on your journey. Where do you sleep when you are on this journey? It is such a cold and wet night out tonight! Hope you are able to stay dry and warm!