Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Forest Park and reflections in the pond

The first day of July was very windy as I pushed away from Downtown St. Louis towards the beautiful Forest Park. The wind kept my pace slow and deliberate. Surrounded by buildings and pavement, I am still controlled by the elements. I believe the wind keeps me at times where I need to be. I was held at one storefront as the people inside came and talked with me. When they went back in the wind let up and I was able to move again.

The sweetest memory of the day came early as a woman called from a parking lot booth. The sight of the world and me rolling along, she said, lifted her from her depression and brought a smile to her. I could tell it truly made a difference. Thank the wind, not me. As I sat looking at a pond in the park later in the day, it brought a warm tear and a smile. If I did nothing the rest of my day, making a difference in that lovely little woman's was enough.

I did talk to a man riding bikes with his grandson who told me how he had been diagnosed with diabetes and had lost weight, was exercising, and had reduced his dependence on medication. Another example of what I am walking to make people aware of. Stay fit and be there for your family.

Off to the day! Have a good one!


BobJ said...

As World guy past thru Freeburg Il last week feeling sorry for him and his dog was the first that came to mind as it was the hottest day of the summer!! Thumbs up to him and have a safe journey to your destination!!

Heather & Barry said...

Hey World Guy: We met at Price and Ladue... I suggested going through a couple subdivisions to Old Bonhomme Rd. Since I hadn't asked your mission, I looked up your blog. Here's wishing you well!