Wednesday, June 10, 2009

another 3am ramble...

Again I have awakened far too early after falling asleep without a couple ibuprophen to ease the swelling in my feet and injured hand. I'm not complaining because it's these times when I remember all the good people I have met who help me during the day. There are too many to mention because even the kind encouragement is as important as the ones who find us on the road with cold water or a snack for Nice (the dog). All through this walk I am in awe at the good in you many times we are helped out just when we need help, even when I don't know I am in need. Like Monday night when the wind stopped me in front of the home of our host for the night. Or sunday (so much help on sunday) when the Promise keepers stopped with a meal-and a prayer- in the tall grass of Indiana. My first day back when the rain steered. Us to an out-building of the landfill and the helping hands who work there. Even to Nice(the dog) who accidentally bit my finger so we could pause our adventure for three weeks to reflect, regroup with the supply van and meet you people on our path today. We would not have met you three weeks ago perhaps. All things have there purpose if we take the time to find the good in them. Even loosing a knuckle to your best friend, Nice(the dog).

Alright , Good People , please forgive these 3am rambles...I will try to go back to sleep so I will not be too sarcastic on the road today while I learn to use my new mast-stick. I broke the mast in the wind yesterday...

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