Saturday, July 17, 2010

Two days for the Price of one!

Our Walk to Wells River from Bradford started hot and sunny until we stopped midway for a break then the skies became cloudy. Just before the heavy rain of the front passed over we were called into a Home for the elderly for a hearty lunch by two women, one helps run thehome and the other comes to play piano for the residents. I don't name names but I must tell you the pianists name rolls off the tongue like a line frome a lively song, her personality fit her name. While getting ready for the second leg of the day she had left but called to offer a ride to our van. At the end of the day which was drizzly she had helped arrange my transport back to Bradford (home of the Wilson Globe)so I could leapfrog the support van to Wells River. A wonderful note in Vermonts walking song. I know, that's corny, work with me here...
This morning it is sunny and finally we had a cool night of sleep. I know we will have little relief today from the heat and sun so I am letting my son sleep till he awakes on his own. Nice (the dog) never complains of too much rest time. I need to let some things dry in the sun before we begin anyway.
I mmet an elderly couple last evening who were walking. The man was diabetic and said that they walkked to help control his diabetes; encouraging. We met a man yesterrday whe had lost thirty pounds recently to prevent the onset of diabetes after advice from his doctor; inspiring. Our days are filled with good stories where exercise saves lives.I received a comment from a woman in Bradford who was walking to the Parade on Thursday so she could see the World and tripped from catching her flip flop on the sidewalk- a new meaning to flip flop. Don't be discouraged, just wear proper walking gear!
Enjoy the cool morning, we will!

1 comment:

Rich said...

Hey World Guy! Great to meet you last night. I actually do have a couple of pix up of the very end of the day at the url below. Best of luck with the rest of your journey!